Tuesday, September 7, 2010
kill off just about everything: remove pathogens ie. virus (HIV AIDS HPV HSV2) Cancer Parasites Fungus Mold
A pathogen is described as "any biological agent that causes disease or illness to its host"। Types of pathogens include Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi, Parasites and Proteins.
Examples and/or typical effects of Bacteria pathogens include:
* Urinary Tract Infection
* Peritonitis
* Typhoid
* Foodborne Illness (i.e. Salmonella, E. coli)
* Tuberculosis
* Anthrax
* Toxic Shock Syndrome
* Pneumonia
* Strep Throat
* Stomach Ulcers
* Tularemia
* Lyme Disease
Examples and/or typical effects of Virus pathogens include:
* Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E (liver disease)
* Herpes
* HPV (i.e. Genital Warts; HPV infection is a necessary factor in the development of nearly all cases of Cervical Cancer.[)
* Warts
* Chickenpox, Smallpox, Cold Sores and Measles
* Colds, Influenza Virus (i.e. H5N1, "Bird flu")
Examples and/or typical effects of Protozoa pathogens include:
* Malaria
* Giardiasis
* Cryptosporidiosis
* Chagas Disease
Examples and/or typical effects of Fungi pathogens include:
* Opportunistic Pneumonia
* Ringworm
* Candidiasis (i.e. Yeast Infection)
* Histoplasmosis (i.e. "Darling’s Disease")
* Cryptococcosis
Examples and/or typical effects of Parasite pathogens include:
* Roundworm
MMS tastes awful so most people use it for a short period of time. In the initial weeks (depending on how much you use), it will kill off just about everything it is going to cleanse from the body, which is wonderful.
There are other products which will gently and effectively detoxify the body and provide benefical minerals to nourish your cells. More about this down below.
IMMUNE SYSTEM - The MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution not only deactivates toxins and pathogens, but also helps oxygenate and alkalinize the body, strengthening the immune system. As toxins and pathogens are eliminated, the immune system, which I visualize as little pacman speeds up. As pacman speeds up it gobbles up excess yeast, viruses, bacteria and germs etc., which cannot survive in an oxygenated/alkaline environment. More info at
The Miracle Mineral Solution starts working right away. In a few weeks, you can cleanse a significant amount of pathogens from the body using MMS along with a few other products.
How Much To Take?
According to Jim Humble, most pathogens can be eliminated in a week or two with 15 drops 2x a day IF your body weight is under 150 pounds. If your body weight is above 150 pounds he suggests 15 drops 3x a day for at least one week.
However, start with just a drop or two and and build up slowly.
Some people are able to reach 15 drops 2x a day fairly easily and within weeks have completed their major detoxification of the pathogens MMS is going to deactivate.
However, many people hit a plateau at a much lower amount of drops (sometimes as little as 1 to 5 drops) and need to stay there for awhile until their body has cleansed what it can. This is not a failure. Lower dosages are effective.
MMS begins working in the body immediately. For those who are not feeling well prior to taking the MMS, you may find you are more tired adding MMS to your regime. Consider staying at a low dosage for a longer period of time even if that lower dosage is 1 drop 2x a day OR 1 drop every other day.
Be sure to honor your body by not pushing it too hard. If you feel nauseaous or worse after taking a dosage, cut back and build up slowly. Your body is purging toxins and you cannot rush the process.
Questions - Specific health issues go to
MMS is not a Cure-All: I have heard from some people who are ecstatic with the results of using MMS for a few weeks. I have also heard from MMS users who have a number of issues going on in their body - and they need to go at a slower pace with the MMS - taking it slowly and consistently over time.
Remember MMS does not offer any nutritional benefit to the body - so be sure you are getting minerals and nutrients to your cells. There are some suggestions farther down this page.
Purchasing ~ You can purchase a supply of MMS and the Citric Acid Activator which can last many months for about $23 plus shipping at this link Miracle Mineral Solution.
Their Starter Kit gives you everything you need, a FREE DVD and a 16 page booklet.
Also, pick up an 8oz bottle of R.W. Knudsen Black Cherry concentrate or Cranberry concentrate. (Read "g." below)
VINEGAR ~ Vinegar is no longer recommended to add in place of the Citric Acid Activator, since it can support the growth of yeast/candida.
MMS Suggestions:
a. Start very slowly with the MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution protocol. It starts working immediately. If you have serious health issues, honor your body by taking it slowly and resting as you detoxify - and always check with your doctor first.
By Jim Humble: The general goal of the number of drops that anyone should take is 15 drops 2 or 3 times a day and of course, less for children. For children normally it would be 3 drops for each 25 pounds (11.4 KG) of body weight. This number of drops, 15, would be OK twice a day for a grown up that weighed 150 pounds (68.1 KG) or less and 15 drops three times a day for a grown up weighing over 150 pounds. This number of drops pretty well ensures that one’s body is completely free of pathogenic microorganisms and heavy metals. Once one has reached this goal for a week, he should drop back to a maintenance level of one, 6 drop dose, twice a week. (In all cases when drops of MMS are mentioned we also mean that 5 drops of lemon, or lime, or citric solution is added for each 1 drop of MMS and one then waits 3 minutes before adding water or juice and consuming it.)
b. MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution may be more potent taken before eating, or after food has digested. The evening works best, for at least one of the dosages, so if you feel a little lousy, you can rest. However, if you feel nauseous, it may be best to start off with taking your dosage right after eating.
c. Do not take MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution with orange juice or Vitamin C, since the Vitamin C will make it ineffective. If you are taking vitamin C, Jim Humble suggests a 4 to 5 hour time span between taking MMS and taking Vitamin C aka ascorbic acid.
d. Keep the MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution out of sunlight – sunlight will destroy its effectiveness in about 30 minutes. Put it in a cabinet.
e. Book / Video - Purchasing their video is expensive – but provides very good information. The book is excellent and will answer many of your questions. They now give the DVD for FREE with the starter kit.
f. The MMS stays in the body for about 12 hours. You may want to look at taking one dosage in the am and one in the pm to have it in your system around the clock.
g. MMS does not taste good - so adding grape juice or cranberry juice (without Vitamin C added aka ascorbic acid) is highly recomended. If you find it difficult to find juices without the Vitamin C or ascorbic added, check your health food stores - you may want to make your own juice OR we have found R.W. Knudsen has tiny bottles of Black Cherry concentrate and Cranberry concentrate without anything added.
h. PETS - Yes, you can use the MMS for animals as well. This information is in their book. Some people just add a drop or two of the solution to their pets drinking water... and have phoned to tell me their pets skin cleared up, mites disappeared and their fur became healthy once again. So I share.
NO Vinegar: Many many people have chronic yeast infections systemically in the body and do not know it. Adding vinegar may not be a good idea, since vinegar feeds yeast. The best thing to do is purchase their Citric Acid Activator, which will be the most accurate solution to add to the MMS as opposed to trying to figure out the lime or lemon juice.
Nourishing and Repairing the Body
MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution is not a cure-all. When pathogens have been in the body for a while, there will often be scar tissue and damage to cells as well. Some people say that scar tissue etc. is irreversible. However, read below about Vitalzym and stem cell enhancer - which triggers the release of millions of Your Own stem cells into circulation. Stem cells repair damaged tissue - I have spoken to many who have had great success with stem cell repair.
Vitalzym is another product that digests scar tissue - and digests debris and fibrin tissue in the blood. Vitalzym is an excellent product for cleaning the blood, unclumping cells. It is fairly expensive, but so good for you.
MMS does not provide any nutritional benefit whatsoever to the body - and it does not repair damaged tissue. So please continue reading for other products that will nourish the cells and repair damaged tissue as you are cleansing your inner terrain. Detox Toxins
Since you are purging the body of pathogens, you will want to nourish the body with the highest quality foods for the cells to renew and repair. Eating foods that are alive, vibrant and organic are suggested – no microwave. Foods as close to their original state meaning foods that are NOT part of the SADD (standard American dead diet) will be the highest in vibration and will be the most beneficial to you i.e. green raw vegetables - whatever is in season, and vegetable juices, avocados, sprouts, humus, celery with organic almond butter, organic almonds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, beans and legumes to name a few.
If you have a juicer, here is a suggestion for what vegetables to juice for excellent nourishment to the cells. Juicing
Your body is made up of billions of cells. The health of your cells determines the health of your tissues and organs. When your cells are healthy, you are healthy.
Products to More Quickly Nourish and Repair
Red Desert® Clay detoxifies and will provide many nutrients that go into the bloodstream and nourish your body at the cellular level i.e. silica, calcium, magneisum, boron and more. These minerals are necessary for bone strength as well. The clay also removes toxins taken in from daily living from exhaust and plastics, to heavy metals and other poisons, and removes unfriendly bacteria. More info>>
Repairing damaged cells – There is a natural stem cell nutrition product, which triggers the release of 3 to 4 million stem cells into circulation from YOUR OWN bone marrow in less than 1 hour – with each dosage. Once your stem cells are circulating in the bloodstream, they immediately seek out cells needing repair - Does not matter if the cell is bone, brain, liver, nerve, muscle, blood vessel, cartilage, neuron, skin etc. - once a stem cell attaches to a damaged cell, it multiplies 2000 to 3000 times and becomes that tissue. More info>>
Powerful Liquid/Vitamin Supplement - IntraMax is absorbed very quickly into the cells of the body. It contains over 400 nutrients and probiotics. The Drucker Labs company which manufacturers IntraMax takes over 30 days to make a batch. This High quality product is never heat processed. Each ingredient is added in synergistically so nothing is lost in the processing. More Info>>
Vitalzym - This product has been around for a number of years, and is excellent for cleansing the blood - digesting fibrin tissue, scar tissue and debris in the blood so it can be filtered out by the liver. If vitamins, minerals, stem cells and the like have to wade through sluggish blood, they do not reach the cells very efficiently AND remember you want all nutrients to reach your cells, where repair and health begins.
In my 40’s I discovered my blood cells were clumping together and there was much other debris floating in there that did not belong.
I used the Vitalzym for 6 months plus, to reverse the situation by breaking up the debris and unclumping the platalets, as well as completely changing what I ate.
Six years later in my 50’s my blood was looked at under a microscope again - (wanted to see how clean my blood was) and still healthy as can be. So this product is worth considering as well. More Info>>
In Conclusion ~
No matter what the health issue is, it is imperative to detoxify the body. If we don’t, all the supplements and foods we eat have to wade through a sea of toxins and pathogens and debris in the blood and lymph. Many of these nutrients do not reach the cells, and so the body remains ill.
So, detoxification, nourishment to the cells and repairing damaged tissue is the protocol to bringing the body back into balance. I have spoken to many people with life threatening illnesses (and given 25% chance of survival) who have followed a detoxification protocol, nourished their cells, cleaned up the blood and repaired damage, which has brought their bodies back into a state of balance.
Let’s all manifest abundant health together and share the MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution with everyone. The most important aspect of our lives is to help ourselves and then share with others.
TO Purchase: We purchase our MMS from this link. The company has excellent integrity and customer service:
Miracle Mineral Solution
Premium Edible Clay>>
Many blessings to you, as you manifest abundant health ~
A pathogen is described as "any biological agent that causes disease or illness to its host". Types of pathogens include Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi, Parasites and Proteins.
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